語言:繁體字; 注音
作者:Nancy Tillman
繪者:Nancy Tillman
頁數:30 p.
尺寸:25.0 cm x 25.0 cm
Local Call No.:649.1 T56on
你出生的那個晚上,月兒的臉上滿是驚喜的笑容,讓星星們忍不住要偷偷瞧一瞧你;你出生的那個晚上,風和雨都為你深深著迷,低聲唸著你那美麗的名字;你的名字隨風飛揚,飛過田野…越過海洋…穿過樹林……在這個世界上,你是最特別的。本書是一個慶賀新生命誕生的故事,世間萬物齊來歌頌,作者想要將「你是獨一無二的」訊息,盡早傳達給年幼、敏感的兒童。孩子是父母的寶貝,他製造混亂,卻也創造生氣,他帶來擔憂,卻也帶來慰藉,是孩子讓世界生生不息,父母親們不妨靜下心來重溫孩子出生的那個美好瞬間,讓你的小寶貝知道他是世界上的唯一,這份「唯一」將帶給他自信和勇氣,一路伴隨著他成長,繁體字,注音,適合二歲以上的小朋友。 English Title: On the Night You Were Born On the night you were born, the moon was full of surprise smiles, and the stars could not help but take a peek at you; on the night you were born, the wind and rain were deeply fascinated by you, whispering Your beautiful name; you are the most special. This book is a story to celebrate the birth of a new life. The author wants to convey the message "You are unique" to young and sensitive children. A child is a parent’s treasure. Parents may wish to relive the beautiful moment when the child was born, and let your little ones know that they are the only one in the world. This "only" will bring him or her the confidence and courage with them all their life! Traditional Chinese, Zhuyin, suitable for children 2 and older.