作者:凌爾祥, Amanda Beamish
Local Call No.:394.26 B37mr CD
CD: 耶誕節當天,威洛比先生訂購的耶誕樹送到了,可是,耶誕樹太高了,威洛比先生的大豪宅放不下,於是管家砍下樹頂的一部分,送給女管家雅德蕾小姐,雅德蕾小姐把樹多出來的部分丟掉,鄰居逖姆先生把它撿回家,沒想到小樹在他們家裡還是多出一截……;威洛比先生的耶誕樹換了好幾個主人,儘管樹越來越小,裝飾也不如豪宅裡的大樹般華麗,它所帶來的溫暖和歡樂,卻無限延伸。這是流傳近半世紀的經典繪本 ,故事溫馨動人,讓孩子體驗文字的律動和分享的真諦,就讓這個簡單且雋永的故事,溫暖你和孩子的耶誕節。繁體字,注音,適合三歲以上的小朋友。 CD; English Title "Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree": On Christmas Day, Mr. Willowby's Christmas tree was delivered, but it was too tall for his large mansion to fit. So the butler cut off part of the top of the tree and gave it to the housekeeper to discard. And the neighbor Mr. Tim saw it and brought it home. Unexpectedly, the little tree was too big in their house. Mr. Willoughby’s Christmas tree shared among several families, and the warmth and joy are extended infinitely. This is a classic picture book that has been around for nearly half a century. The children can experience the rhythm of the text and the true meaning of sharing. Traditional Chinese, Zhuyin, suitable for children age 3 and older.