語言:繁體字; 注音符號
頁數:40 p.
尺寸:26.0 cm x 19.0 cm
Local Call No.:390 M35 v.3
漢武帝時代有個機智又風趣的大臣東方朔,在一年冬天,東方朔就到御花園去給武帝折梅花,發現有個宮女淚流滿面準備投井。東方朔問了她要自殺的原因,這個宮女名叫元宵,家裡還有雙親及一個妹妹。自從她進宮以後,就再也無緣和家人見面,不能在雙親跟前盡孝,不如一死了之;東方朔聽了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保證,一定讓她和家人團聚。元宵節是農曆正月十五。 元宵節是春節的重要組成部分,除了代表農曆新年假期的正式結束,也是農曆新年後的第一個滿月,象徵著團結與完美;繁體字/注音,適合六歲以上的小朋友。 Yuan-Xiao Girl During the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was a wit and funny minister Dongfang Shuo. One winter, Dongfang Shuo went to the imperial garden to get some plum blossoms for Emperor Wu, and found a court lady crying and was about to jump into the well. Dongfang Shuo asked her why she wanted to commit suicide. The lady named Yuanxiao said she had not seen her parents and younger sister since she came to the palace so she felt extremely sad. Dongfang Shuo heard her story and felt deep sympathy. He promised her that she would be reunited with her family. The Lantern Festival is the fifteenth of the first lunar month. It is an important part of the Spring Festival. It is the official end of the Lunar New Year holiday and the first full moon after the Lunar New Year Full Moon symbolizes unity and perfection. This set of "Chinese Folklore Festival Stories" is a set of twenty-five books which includes traditional folk tales and festival legends. Adults and children can enjoy the stories and appreciate the beautiful prints and paper art in each book. Traditional Chinese, Zhuyin, suitable for children over six years old.