語言:繁體字; 注音符號
作者:Carl Norac
繪者:Claude K. Dubois
頁數:24 p.
尺寸:17.7 cm x 20.3 cm
Local Call No.:155 N67 v.1
一早醒來,蘿拉心裡有好多好多甜蜜的話想要講,她想說「我愛你」,可是爸爸已經出門了,媽媽打斷蘿拉的話,蘿拉很不開心,她找不到合適的機會說出來…… ;孩子的成長過程中需要讚美、擁抱,或其他的親密表態,正如本書作者在受訪時表示,現代人似乎不再輕易表達愛意,然而,適當的對周圍的人表現關愛,不但促進和諧的人際關係,還能溶化彼此之間累積的冷漠疏離;繁體字/注音,適合五歲以上的小朋友。 I Love You so Much
Lola the hamster wakes up with something important to say. She sees her mother and father kiss good-bye. Later, her mother is too busy for special words, and the school bus is too noisy. During the day Lola keeps searching for the right time to say, "I love you." Each picture shows the little creature more and more distraught, until she finally explodes with emotion at dinnertime! Adorable illustrations create the magic for this simple, sweet story. Children and adults alike will cherish this universal story of the joy of saying the words "I love you." This is a perfect gift for celebrating Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day, or any special occasion. Traditional Chinese, Zhuyin, suitable for children over five years old.