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Terms of Use

Welcome to Books & Me Children's Chinese Library

  1. Contract for Service

    This is a contract between you, the member ("Member") and Zhaoyu Cultural Foundation ("Zhaoyu") for use of Books & Me Children's Chinese Library (the Library) Service. We are Zhaoyu Cultural Foundation (located at 1101 San Antonio Road, Suite 306, Mountain View, CA 94043). We will refer to ourselves in this contract as either "Zhaoyu", "we" or "our." You are an individual.
    The Library Service includes lending, library card issuing, and library administration. We refer to all of these in this contract as the "Service."

  2. How we may modify this contract

    We may change this contract at any time. You must review this contract on a regular basis. Any modifications to the contract take effect immediately. If you do not agree to changes in the contract, then you should discontinue use of the Service. Continued use of the Service will be considered agreement to the modified contract.

  3. Your responsibilities

    1. The Library and Zhaoyu do not provide any child care services. It is your sole responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of your children. The Library and Zhaoyu assume no responsibility for any injury to you or your children in the Library.
    2. While in the Library, you will be responsible for any property of the Library your children damage. You will also be held responsible for any injury to the Library staff and its visitors caused by your children.
    3. The Library and Zhaoyu are not responsible for any damage to any of your personal devices as a result of using the Library materials.
    4. You are responsible for all charges incurred for any overdue, lost or damaged library materials on your account.
    5. You agree to pay the fines and fees as stated in Library Policy.

  4. Copyright

    The materials you borrow from the Library are subject to all applicable copyright under the laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized copying or duplicating all or part of the contents of material that you borrow from the Library, including literature, pictures, photos, and other contents in the books is a violation of copyright laws. Audio/Video materials you borrowed from the Library should not be duplicated or broadcast in public at any time.

  5. Limitation of Liability

    In signing this agreement, you agree to waive liability against Zhaoyu for any injury or damage sustained by your person, family or personal property while in Zhaoyu's premises or using Zhaoyu's materials.

  6. General

    This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California, United Sates of America. You understand and agree that your privileges to use the Library and its Service may be revoked at our sole discretion.

Copyright© Zhaoyu Cultural Foundation. All Rights Reserved